Inclement weather 1/12/25 Sunday Service has been canceled due to inclement weather.

Prophetic Advancement Class

Taught by Alf & Danielle Basson

Begins August 15th 2024

Join us for 4 weeks of prophetic advancement classes as we explore the feeler, the seer, the

discerner, Inner healing, deliverance related to prophetic ministry, prophetic evangelism and

prophetic maturity.

Come and be encouraged, uplifted and equipped in your gifting. In Ephesians 4 we read that

the Father gave us all gifts to equip, and uplift the body of Christ so that we may walk fully in

unity as the Spirit leads.

Our prayer is that these classes will bring to you be fully alive in Christ, with a confidence to step

out and speak a word of encouragement, upliftment, and comfort.

When: August 15th, 22nd, 29th, September 5th

Where: Resource Center

Time: 6:30pm

1 Corinthians 14: 1-3

Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.
