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Healing Ministry

Healing Ministry

Over the centuries, the Christian Church has always played a part in bringing healing to lives. While we fully appreciate and support the great work of those in the medical profession, we also believe that healing comes through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, who is still healing today.

We believe that Jesus sometimes heals instantly (Luke 8:43-48) and sometimes over a period of time (Luke 17:14-15). Sometimes healing is withheld. Many of those serving on our Prayer Teams have seen Jesus heal people. They are not the healers, but know the Healer, Jesus Christ, and through prayer, believe the love and power of God can be shared with those coming to receive prayer in their sickness and need.

Healing Prayer is offered two ways: at the end of our Sunday morning service and bimonthly at our Healing Encounter (temporarily postponed).

Most weeks at the end of our Sunday morning service, we invite people to come forward to receive prayer for healing.

For the last two years we have quarterly offered a Sunday evening Healing Encounter Meeting where the entire focus of the evening is healing and we pray for everyone who desires to receive prayer. [Temporarily Postponed]