What is sozo
Here is a true story about a female humpback whale that was found off-shore near San Francisco. She had become entangled in hundreds of pounds of crab traps that had weighed her down and hundreds of yards of rope that wrapped around her entire body, tail, and tugged at her mouth. She couldn’t move. When an environmental group was called, the team soon realized the only way to free her was to carefully cut away all the lines, traps, etc. to untangle her. After many hours of work, they were able to set her free. Once free, she swam around joyously in circles and then went up to each person who set her free and nudged them as a gesture of thanks. The team that freed her was forever changed.
We can be like the whale, weighed down and entrapped by lies, fears, pains, injustices, anger, hatred, loneliness, depression, anxiety, and more. God wants us to be free from all that keeps us bound up. Because Father God loves us so much, He sent Jesus to show us how to live and to demonstrate how much God loves us. Jesus also paid the price for all of us to be set free from our sins and painful lives by dying on the cross for our salvation. The Holy Spirit then came to be our comforter, counselor and to dwell in us.
Sozo means Saved, Healed and Delivered. Sozo is an inner healing ministry designed to help people gain freedom from the entrapments and weights of life; to be healed emotionally, spiritually and physically, and to be delivered from the things which keep us from the fullness and abundant life available in communion with the Godhead. The Sozo team is here to help cut away the ropes, weights, and entanglements of life. Our desire is to see people set free to fulfill the destiny God has planned for them.
Sozo session
Each session has at least 2 people, plus the one receiving ministry. The session is Spirit-led in exposing lies and seeking truth and healing in an effective and honoring way. Sessions can last between one to two hours. Due to the nature of Sozo, people are amazed at how easy and quickly healing can come.
Our Team
The Grace Sozo team consists of a dedicated group of people who are first and foremost devoted to Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They have a passion to see people come into fullness of relationship and intimacy with the Godhead and to seize their God-ordained destinies. The fruits of the Spirit are very evident in their lives as they show love, kindness, gentleness, consideration, peace, understanding and care. Each team member truly desires to see people saved, healed and delivered and are willing and gifted instruments in the process of bringing freedom to the sozoee. The team has been trained with the Basic and Advanced Training Videos and have attended the Basic Sozo and Advanced Sozo Training Seminars from Bethel Church.
Basic sozo training
The goal of the Bethel Basic Sozo training is to provide tools and information to be trained in the Bethel Sozo ministry. In the Basic Training, the Father Ladder, Four Doors, Presenting Jesus and the Wall are the tools taught. Forgiveness teaching and other pertinent information are also included in the training.
The seminar is set up so that once the Bethel Sozo training is completed, and the church or organization has developed experience and the pastor/leader is comfortable with the Sozo ministry, then the group is able to start a Bethel Sozo ministry. The tools and information are also helpful for those in other inner healing/deliverance ministries, healing rooms, prayer or counseling ministries.
Anne Troyer and Peggy Barnes are both certified by Bethel to teach the Basic Sozo Training Seminar. If you would like to have our certified teachers come to your location to put on a Basic Sozo Training Seminar, please contact barbara@gracehp.org for more information.
Anne Troyer

Anne began her journey with Bethel Sozo in the summer of 2010. Through the years, she has become the Regional Facilitator for Bethel Sozo for the states of North and South Carolina. Along with being the Regional Facilitator, she has the privilege of being a certified instructor for Bethel Basic Sozo. This has given her the opportunity to minister Sozo sessions and do trainings at her home church, Grace Church, but also in several other states and in the Philippines.
She lives with her husband Denny. Between the two of them, they have five children and nine grandchildren.