
A Weekend With Rodney Hogue

Set Free and Staying Free

August 24th & 25th, 2024

You're invited to join us Saturday, August 24th & Sunday, August 25th at Grace Church for this timely weekend with Rodney Hogue.

Over the weekend, Rodney Hogue will offer powerful tools for discerning and defeating the enemy's work through the Holy Spirit's power.

Such as:

  • Operate in your spiritual jurisdiction of authority when confronting demons.
  • Recognize signs and symptoms of demonic oppression.
  • Identify and close any open doors granting demons access to your life.
  • Confidently deal with evil spirits when they manifest.
  • Step-by-step, minister deliverance for yourself and others.
  • Rebuild broken areas of life after receiving inner healing and deliverance.

When strongholds are exposed, freedom comes and healing can begin!

About Rodney Hogue

I am a husband, father, grandfather, teacher, and author. I have been in full time Christian Ministry since 1977. 32 years of that was as a senior pastor in three different churches. I have a passion to see God’s Kingdom manifest on this earth through the lives of transformed lovers of God who intentionally pursue transformation of their world